Old clothes – New design
14 – 18th of August 2017 Are you interested in textile art, sewing and/or design? Do you have old clothes that you want to redo, or do you want to try to make new creations of different clothes? Under the direction of textile artist Johanna Törnqvist, you will be able to create new garments of […]
Workshop in Graffiti Embroidery Marabouparken Art Gallery
20 – 21st of June 2017 Workshop in Graffiti embroidery with discarded t-shirts, for kids, Marabouhallen Art Gallery in Stockholm, Sweden. READ MORE about Marabouparken
Precious Trash Workshop at Eskilstuna Folkhögskola
12-16th of June 2017 One week course with Precious Trash Workshop at Eskilstuna Folkhögskola. READ MORE Summer Workshop at Eskilstuna Folkhögskola
Precious Trash Workshop
5th of April 2017 You can book the Precious Trash Workshop for elementary school at Kulan, Stockholm City, Kulturdirekt. “En workshop om kläder och konsumtion där vi pratar om och skapar nytt av skräp och återbrukat material.” READ MORE Precious trash workshop at Kulan
Video: Precious Trash Workshop
In this video you can see one example of Johanna Törnqvist’s workshop Precious Trash. WORKSHOP PRECIOUS TRASH JOHANNA TÖRNQVIST from Johanna Törnqvist on Vimeo.