New Project with support of The Nordic Culture Fund
Startup of new project for upcoming exhibition/performance about communication and consumption. With support from Nordisk Kulturfond (The Nordic Culture Fund). With Charlotte Calberg, set designer and Tomas Björkdal, sound and film.
Opening of Sörmlands Museum
Opening this weekend of Sörmlands Museum and the project “Yesterdays craft becomes tomorrows design”. Thermoses, tins, oilcloth ans DIY kits with patterns made with inspiration from the museums collection “Eskilstunahemmet”, a collection with all every day objects from one single home in the 50’s.
Project Precious Trash participating in the touring exhibition Craft+Confict, Highlight Contemporary Craft tour. Marking the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1 as well as other aspects of conflict locally and globally. Art meets craft meets strong messages and hope.